Posted By : 2018/10/15 18:50:18
Barracuda name is applied to not only one particular fish, but the whole fish family. Sphyraenidae are a group of fish known collectively as barracudas. The species most known barracudas commonly encountered may be the large species of barracudas (Sphyraena barracuda). But the world's oceans are full of all kinds of Barracuda fish, including the crows of Barracuda, sawtooth Barracuda, and sharp Barracuda fish.
1. There are at least 27 Kinds of Barracuda
Some species are named for the region where they are found, such as Guinea Barracuda, Mexican Barracuda, Japanese Barracuda, and European Barracuda.
2. The uncommon looks unlike other kind of fish in the sea
Even if you just look it in a glance, it’s easy to recognize the Barracuda. Barracuda has a long, slender body that is tapered at the end and thicker in the center. The head is slightly flat above and pointed at the front, and the lower jaw is forward, sharp. The two dorsal fins are far apart, and the pectoral fins are positioned low on the body. Most species are dark above, with silver sides and clear lateral lines stretching from head to tail on each side. The barracuda fins are slightly branched and curved on the trailing edge. Smaller Barracuda fish species may be up to 20 inches in size, but larger species can reach 6 feet or larger in size.
3. Barracuda Fish Inhabits Tropical and Subtropical Waters Around the World
Most Barracuda fish species live in near-shore habitats, such as seagrass beds, mangroves, and coral reefs. They are mainly marine fish, although some varieties can tolerate brackish water at times. Barracuda inhabits the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, and are also commonly found in the Caribbean and the Red Sea.
4. Barracuda eats fish with a typical shining skinned fish
Barracuda hunts mainly with vision, observing water for signs of prey when they swim. Smaller fish are most visible when they reflect light, and often look like shiny metal objects in the water. This, unfortunately, can cause misunderstanding between barracuda and humans in the water.
5. The speed of Barracuda can reach up to 35 MPH
The barracuda body is shaped like a torpedo, and is made to cut water. This long, slim and muscular fish is one of the fastest in the sea, capable of swimming up to 35 mph. Barracuda swim almost as fast as mako sharks that are very fast. Barracuda fish cannot maintain the highest speed for long distances. Barracuda is a sprinter who is capable of spitting out speed in pursuit of prey. They spend most of their time swimming slow enough to conduct food surveys, and only accelerate when eating within reach.
6. Barracuda has a scary sharp teeth
Barracuda fish have a large mouth, with long jaws and underbite characteristics. They also have many teeth. In fact, barracudas have two rows of teeth: the outermost rows of small but sharp teeth to tear the flesh, and rows in long teeth and daggers to firmly capture their prey. Some barracuda teeth point to the back, as an additional help to secure writhing fish. A barracuda can open his mouth wide enough to catch the fish it finds, from small killers to curly groupers.
7. It’s not as dangerous as other fish with sharp teeth
Because barracudas are quite common and inhabit the same waters where people swim and dive, the opportunity to meet a barracuda is quite high. But despite being close to people in the water, barracudas rarely attack or injure humans. Most bites occur when the barracuda makes a mistake on a metal object for the fish, and tries to grab it. Barracuda will not continue to bite after realizing the object in question is not food. Barracuda attacks are rare, and almost never fatal. The teeth will cause damage to the arm or leg, so the victim usually needs sutures.
8. Barracudas’ meats is good to consume but still need to be cautious with the poisonous one
The bigger the size of the barracuda, the bigger chance that it is poisonous. At the bottom of the food chain, a toxic plankton known as Gambierdiscus toxin attaches to algae on coral reefs. Small, feed herbivorous fish on algae and also consume toxins. Larger predator fish prey on small fish, and collect higher toxin concentrations in their bodies. Every successive predator accumulates more poisons. While smaller barracudas are generally safe for consumption, larger barracudas can be ciguatoxic because they consume larger fish with a higher toxin load.
Ciguatera food poisoning is unlikely to kill you, but it's not an experience that you will enjoy. Biotoxins cause gastrointestinal, neurological, and cardiovascular symptoms that last for weeks or months. Patients report hallucinations, severe muscle and joint pain, skin irritation, and even reversal of hot and cold sensations. Unfortunately, there is no way to identify ciguatoxic barracuda, and both heat and frozen can kill fat-soluble toxins in contaminated fish. It's best to avoid eating large barracudas.
Komira supply one of the way to eats a proper barracuda for the consumer that had been sorted to the one people can consume in frozen fish form.
This article has been published in with the title “8 Fakta Menarik Mengenai Ikan Barakuda”